
Ensinando Brasil no exterior

Há muitos anos, em uma outra encarnação, eu dava aulas de língua portuguesa e cultura brasileira em uma universidade norte-americana.

Há muitos anos, em uma outra encarnação, eu dava aulas de língua portuguesa e cultura brasileira em uma universidade norte-americana.

Nas imagens, cartazes de divulgação de duas disciplinas que ensinei.



(Como eram eletivas, precisavam ser divulgadas, pois só aconteceriam se houvesse pessoas alunas o suficiente. Os belíssimos cartazes são criação da minha amiga e artista plástica Isabel Löfgren.)

Abaixo, a ementa de uma outra disciplina, talvez a melhor que ensinei.

(Essa lotou rapidamente, então, não precisou de cartaz. O máximo era 35 alunos por classe.)

As disciplinas dos cartazes (PORT 313 e PORT 325) eram ensinadas em português, com leituras em português e avaliações escritas em português, então, as pessoas alunas já precisavam ter bastante fluência na nossa língua.



Já a disciplina da ementa (BRAZ 201) era uma introdução aos estudos brasileiros, a única ensinada em inglês, com leituras e avaliações em inglês, para pessoas alunas que não falassem necessariamente português, e tinha como objetivo atrair novas pessoas para virem estudar língua portuguesa e cultura brasileira com a gente.

Era essa aula que eu sempre começava levantando a discussão: “O Brasil é um país ocidental?

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BRAZ 201
Introduction to Brazilian Studies

Spring 2010
Tue-Thu, 3:30-4:45 (Nwcmb 120)
Instructor Alexandre Silva
Office: Newcomb Hall 318A
Office hours: Tue-Thu, 4:45-6:15, (504) 453 0452

Classroom Expectations

1. HONOR CODE: “Tulane University expects the highest level of academic honesty and integrity. Accordingly all students enrolled at Tulane University must abide by the principles of the Honor Code. This code states that all academic work is the result of the student’s own efforts, except when collaboration has been explicitly allowed, and that if a student has any doubts about how a particular assignment is affected by the honor code, it is his or her responsibility to consult the instructor for clarification” (Undergraduate Honor Code of Tulane University). As all students should be aware, the Honor Code strictly prohibits plagiarism, copying work, & not citing all sources used. Any use of Internet sources in preparation of any project submitted for credit REQUIRES that the student cite these, as she or he would any other source. Furthermore, students are not permitted to have another student edit their work for grammaticality without the explicit permission of their instructor, as this constitutes having another student complete your work. Any violations of this code of academic honesty and integrity will be dealt with strictly. A complete copy of the Honor Code is available at

2. ATTENDANCE: As a classroom discussion-based course, regular attendance is crucial to successful completion of the material. As such, students are allowed 3 absences for which no excuses will be solicited. These 3 absences are not ‘free’ but should be used to account for illnesses, doctor’s appointments, university-sponsored activities, religious observances, pre- and post-holidays, court appearances, weddings, funerals, etc. Beginning with the 4th absence, the maximum participation grade possible begins to fall according to the table above. Please keep track of your absences. Any absences incurred while representing the University in an official capacity must be accompanied by a note from the represented organization IN ADVANCE of the absence. Exceptions may be made for extreme extenuating circumstances; however, it is the student’s responsibility to be in contact with the instructor and with their academic advisor in these cases.

Max Participation Grade
4 A-
5 B+
6 B-
7 C+
8 C-
9 D
10 F

3. TARDINESS: No late work will be accepted, unless accompanied by valid documentation. Late arrivals to class are not permitted. Students should consult this syllabus for due dates & should plan accordingly. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, they must make alternative arrangements to get this to the instructor by the due date. Consistently late arrival or early departure will affect your participation grade.

4. SPECIAL NEEDS: In conjunction with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), the department is committed to providing equal access and a friendly environment for students with disabilities. However, it is the responsibility of the student to register a disability with Disability Services and to submit all required documentation to the instructor so that necessary accommodations can be arranged. The ODS can be contacted by telephoning 504-862-8433 or by stopping by their offices in the Mechanical Engineering building. The Educational Resource Center, which offers free tutoring, is located in this building as well.

5. DEVICES: The use of cellular telephones and other electronic devices is prohibited in class, in any form. A student who is sending text messages during class time, for example, is not actively engaged in the learning process. These are disruptive both to the professor & to classmates. Any student whose electronic devices sound or are utilized during class will be asked to leave & will be counted as absent for the day. Laptops may be used for note-taking only and the notes for any given class must be emailed to the instructor when the class is over. Failure to do so will result in revocation of laptop privileges.

Grading Scale:
Participation on class discussion & Attendance 15%
Response papers 20%
Papers 30%
Final Examination 35%

Dom Casmurro. Machado de Assis. (1899)
Rebellion in the Backlands. Euclides da Cunha. (1902)
The Masters & The Slaves. Gilberto Freyre. (1933)
Child of the Dark. Carolina Maria de Jesus. (1960)
The Hour of the Star. Clarice Lispector. (1977)
Tropical Truth. Caetano Veloso. (2002)

“City of Men”. TV series. 2006
“City of God”. Dir. Fernando Meirelles. 2002.
“Elite Squad”. Dir. José Padilha. 2007.
“Bye Bye Brazil”. Dir. Carlos Diegues. 1979.
“Hour of the Star”. Dir. Suzana Amaral. 1987.
“Possible Loves”. Dir. Sandra Werneck. 2001.

The above movies will not be played in class. It is your responsibility to come to class having watched them. They are available on Amazon, Netflix and at the Language Lab.


Tue, 12 – General Introduction

Thu, 14 – Overview of Brazilian History

Tue, 19 – Read for this class: Child of the Dark

Thu, 21 – Watch for this class: “City of Men” (TV series), episodes “The Emperor’s Crown” (“A Coroa do Imperador”), from season one, and “It’s Got to Be Now” (“Tem que Ser Agora”), from season two; “City of God” (movie). Available: Amazon, Netflix, Language Lab (Portuguese only). // Hand in: 1pp response paper on “City of Men”

Tue, 26 – Watch for this class: “Elite Squad”. Available: Amazon, Netflix, Language Lab. // Hand in: 1pp response paper on “Elite Squad”.

Thu, 28 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, II Man: I Complexity, II Origin, III Sertanejo (pp.72-103; 116- 129; 147-166= 63pp)


Tue, 2 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, II Man: IV Antonio Conselheiro, V Canudos (pp.166-242= 76pp)

Thu, 4 – Watch in class: “Redentor” // Hand in: 3pp paper on Child of the Dark / “City of God” / “City of Men” / “Elite Squad”

Tue, 9 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, III Conflict Begins (pp.257-291= 34), V Moreira Cesar Expedition (pp.335-410= 75) = 110

Thu, 11 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, VI Fourth Expedition, I Disasters (pp.413-425= 12), II Cruel Reminders (pp.453-455= 2); VII The Savaget Column: II Singular Victory; (pp.494-522= 28) = 42


Tue, 16 – Mardi Gras!

Thu, 18 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, VIII The Assault: I Another Disastrous Victory, I Losses (pp.544-548= 4), I Triumphs by Telegraph (pp.556-558 =2); II Along the Highways (pp.558-569= 11), II Losses (pp.574-581= 7); IV Still More Reinforcements (pp.586-597= 11); IX New Phase: I Queimada (pp.605-612= 7), I Half Rations of Glory; III Embassy to Heaven (pp.632-649= 17) = 59

Tue, 23 – Read for this class: Rebellion in the Backlands, X Last Days: (pp.652-713= 61)

Thu, 25 – Watch in class: “Edifício Master”


Tue, 2 – Read for this class: Dom Casmurro (the entire novel)

Thu, 4 – Read for this class: Dom Casmurro (the entire novel) // Hand in: 3pp paper on Rebellion in the Backlands

Tue, 9 – Read for this class: The Masters & The Slaves, I – General Characteristics

Thu, 11 – Read for this class: The Masters & The Slaves, III – The Portuguese Colonizer

Tue, 16 – Watch in class: “Xangô de Baker Street”.

Thu, 18 – Read for this class: The Masters & The Slaves, IV – Negro Slave

Tue, 23 – Read for this class: The Masters & The Slaves, V – Negro Slave

Thu, 25- Read for this class: The Masters & The Slaves

Tue, 30 – Spring Break!

Thu, 1 – Spring Break!


Tue, 6 – Read for this class: Tropical Truth, “Introduction”, “Alegria, Alegria”, “Tropicália”, “Anthropophagy” // Hand in: 3pp paper on The Masters & The Slaves

Thu, 8 – Read for this class: Tropical Truth, “Narcissus on Vacation”, “Tough Luck 69”, “Language”, “Path”

Tue, 13 – Watch for this class: “Bye Bye Brazil”. Available: Netflix Instant Watching, Language Lab. // Hand in: 1pp response paper on “Bye Bye Brazil”

Thu, 15 – Read for this class: The Hour of the Star (the entire novel)

Tue, 20 – Read for this class: The Hour of the Star (the entire novel) // Watch for this class: “The Hour of the Star”. Available: Amazon, Netflix, Language Lab.

Thu, 22 – Watch for this class: “Possible Loves”. Available: Amazon, Netflix, Language Lab.

Tue, 27- Last day of class.

Final examination:

To be handed in by Saturday, May 1st, 5pm. No emails.

Uma resposta em “Ensinando Brasil no exterior”

Com donuts grátis, tinha que lotar mesmo!
É brincadeira, os livros e filmes selecionados estavam muito bons. Abraço!

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